Tom Simard

Poetry, Music, and Prose

The Neighborhood

The neighborhood where I live isn’t particularly attractive but from my balcony where there are numerous plants and flowers, which should at some point be photographed and shared, there are some quite stunning views. It’s also centrally located, which means my feet do the walking instead of a vehicle, which would just be downright silly. Someone like W. Heath Robinson might have done justice to that. It’s also relatively safe although there have been at least three burglaries too close for comfort, which explains why a few years back we got a security door that will hopefully prevent anyone from breaking in. If burglars were to enter, deceiving what we were told was foolproof technology, they would be sorely disappointed by their inability despite their ransacking to find anything of real material value. However, they would come across shelves and shelves of books of which I expect they would not be tempted.

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15 thoughts on “The Neighborhood

  1. Forest So Green on said:

    Good thing most burglars do not know the real value of books,


  2. The books are the real treasures!!! :)


    • They really are. I’ve always liked what that Greek philosopher from antiquity said: “parents should arm their children with such wealth that even after a shipwreck it should be able to swim to land with its owner.”


      • Oh, I got goosebumps on that!!! When I was growing up, my father collected books – lots of them. They were in overflowing bookshelves, on the side tables and stored under all of our beds. He created a wonderful space. To this day, every time I enter a library or bookstore, I feel the anticipation of discovery. So many books, so little time. And yet, that makes it all the more exciting. Great to meet a kindred spirit.


      • Nothing like a good book, and as for a great book…

        Recently I visited a used book store that I used to frequent in the 80s. It was wonderful to see it was still in business, and that it had the same two owners. What a great feeling slowly making my way down the aisles.


      • I know exactly what that feels like!!! Life-affirming.


  3. Burglaries are scary. It rattles the security you should feel when you’re in your own home. Good for you for taking precautions.

    Burglars might take the shell of a book, but what’s inside cannot be stolen. Priceless. :-)


  4. I recognize the problem about burglars, and they will find only books here too…if they don’t move up to the youngsters’ rooms…

    I got a truly sad – and hilarious – book from my “children” last christmas. “Weird things customers say in bookshops” by Jen Campbell. A true gem for every book lover. Keeps you in spirit when you feel it’s going to be a bad day…or a good day!


  5. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I just read a little of it on Amazon, and it seems to be just as you’ve said.

    Its mention of the bookshop dog brings back memories of when they’re used to be a lot of used bookstores in my city, quite a few of which had either a cat (usually on a pillow in the corner) or a dog (usually sprawled out on the floor looking up at you or moving about at a leisurely pace.)


  6. Thanks for the like. No mere door can be foolproof. In fact if any thieve do get in I want them to be fools, fools who’ll take the TV and the 20 bucks in the dish where the car keys would be were I home. Thieves who‘ll not take the books, the hundreds of books, almost all started and most read through. Not that that would matter as those books are here–author taps the side of his head–too.


  7. Our door is what capital punishment never has been: a deterrent.

    Yes, if you’re going to be burgled, let it be by fools.


  8. But what if the thieves are literate?


  9. Then they’d get away with a haul!


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