Tom Simard

Poetry, Music, and Prose

Archive for the category “The Hunters in the Snow”

The Three Rs

Recently I was asked, “Is there a difference between a crow and a raven?”

Instead of faking an answer, which I couldn’t do if I tried, I said I wasn’t sure, and that I’d find out.

We learn from the excellent source I linked that “since ravens belong to the crow (corvus) family of birds, they can be called-but not all crows are ravens.”

Tell me if I didn’t suffer some sort of trauma but after reading “not all…are….” I had a flashback to when I sat for the GRE and tried to twist my very unanalytical mind around the logical reasoning questions.

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven.


Bob Dylan’s wonderful Love Minus Zero/No Limit.


Brueghel’s The Hunters in the Snow.  (Photograph of painting taken by Yelkrovade)


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