Tom Simard

Poetry, Music, and Prose

Wednesday’s Choice

Number 5 Rock (Pop/Folk) is James Taylor’s Sweet Baby James.

Here is a song or the full album.

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2 thoughts on “Wednesday’s Choice

  1. I hadn’ t listened to that song for years! Thanks.

    I have finished the book and I like it very much. Beautifully written and structured. I loved the way your characters cross one another’ s path and the sense of good and evil so well depicted and oozing throughout the book, It has been a pleasure reading you. You are not going to believe this, but I majored in American and Commonwealth Literature and minored in Linguistics (Can I say “minored”?) to become a teacher. I live in a house with a painter workshop and a classroom and I have two stray dogs, one of them being a born digger. It was the book for me.

    I remember I promised to leave a comment on Amazon and I will.


  2. It’s such a great song and album.

    Thank you for the kind words about my novel, and that you’re going to take the time to leave a comment on Amazon. Much appreciated.


    Yes, minored is right. I’ve always been fascinated by linguistics – especially anthropological linguistics and sociolinguisitics.


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