Tom Simard

Poetry, Music, and Prose

Water and Silt

I’m happy to announce I’ve just published my second poetry collection, Water and Silt, on Amazon.  It’s cheap as dirt or perhaps even cheaper (Have you gone to a gardening supply store lately?).

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15 thoughts on “Water and Silt

  1. I love the title. Sorry (almost) that I don’t have a kindle.


    • It comes from one of the poems. Here it is with a sketch based on it:

      Water and Silt

      You don’t actually need a Kindle – if you’ve got Calibre you can convert it to whatever you use. I don’t have a Kindle either so anything I buy on Amazon I’ve got to convert to Epub.


      • That’s wonderful. Love the collaboration.
        I have no idea if I have Calibre…but I will find out – ask someone smarter than me, in other words. Thanks.


    • Get a kindle. I use mine for…
      1) Light reading of the bedtime or waiting room sort; there is an unending supply of free or very inexpensive works out there that work well for this.
      2) Scholarly stuff from the internet in PDF format is easier to digest when reading it in the more bookish kindle; I use Hamster to reformat.
      3) Public domain classics, Project Gutenberg and others have downloadable versions.
      4) The “paperwhite” kindle is also a dandy bedside flashlight .
      However I still buy real books, not everything is on the kindle and art books need pictures. I buy used if I can, but new if I must, that either to encourage an author or if the latest edition is really an improvement.
      Yes, I know about libraries. But around here they are limited; I’ve either already read what they have or don’t want to. Plus they seem a bit off-putting about inter-librarying.


      • 2 and 4 are compelling. I had a lifetime of bad experiences at libraries (was blacklisted from an entire state’s library system in my youth – sad story, not my fault) , but it turned around eventually, I love ILL, but I do a lot of the searching myself as I have and still work in libraries now..but you make good points. The start up cost, negligible to some no doubt, are daunting for me. But I’m sure I’ll make the plunge someday.


      • second part of 1 as well – compelling…I rarely spend money on myself so that’s really the biggest hurdle for me. As for the first part, I have spent enough time in Emergency Rooms to never, no matter what, go without a book. I was there Friday night in fact….kids – they’ll do that to you….


  2. Thanks. Me, too. We’ve only done a few so far, but we’re hoping to do more.
    If you don’t, you can get it here:


  3. Wonderful! I’m looking forward to reading it. :-)


  4. Thanks, Jackie.


  5. Reason to buy a kindle. In the meantime, Congrats!


  6. I like the minimalistic nature of your poetry.
    I finished your book and I have to say the overall flow is quite nice, the delicate observation of poems like Crab Apple Tree and Shaving Brush moving into more poignant and painful reflections and recollections “the river’s path leaves little doubt” – wonderful! and then the wider scope of the state of the world with poems like Model and A Proselytizer (“another possessor of absolute truth” – I love that line)….really quite lovely. Root Beer is another one…sweetly funny. And of course the eponymous poem really describes the overall theme beautifully – much to enjoy. I’m so glad I figured out the kindle-less way to have kindle books – thank you Howard! Well, kind of glad…I do prefer to hold them – especially a book of poetry…and I really don’t need another format of a book temptress…but still I am glad.


  7. Thanks, Jessica.
    I love poetry and the music of words, and how they form seemingly out of magic.
    Yes, I understand the appeal of a book in one’s hands.


  8. I will be picking this up soon. Love your work.

    As a complete non-sequiter, I see you’re reading Angle of Repose. I read that book years ago. Enough people whose opinion I respect have told me they LOVED that book, but I found it turgid. What am I missing? That’s a serious question.


    • Thanks, much appreciated.

      First off, I’m finding it an incredibly wonderful read. It’s the best fiction I’ve read since I don’t know when. I’m at the halfway point and if it continues like this I’ll give it a 5, which I only do to that which has been a profound experience or for a book whose prose or story has never stopped delighting me.

      As for your question, I don’t think you’re missing anything. For whatever reason you can’t connect with it. I suppose there are reasons why I can and you can’t just like there are going to be writers you treasure that I might not be able to stomach. I’ve got friends who think Blood Meridian is the Second Coming while I don’t even think it’s the first.


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